plumbing service


Drain Cleaning in Sugar Land, TX

plumbing sugar land

A clogged drain has always been a very serious problem, in the domestic homes as well as the commercial buildings. When the sinks in the kitchen of a restaurant becomes clogged, or an overflowing toilet in a hotel room, or even a blocked water pipe in a residential complex, it’s bad for business, because you end up losing clients and customers, and a lot of money.

And to home owners, a clogged drain means there is trouble at home. It makes the occupants uncomfortable in their own house, some people even try to take care of the drains themselves, and because they are amateurs with little or no plumbing skills at all, they spend a lot of their time on it, with very little results, some even end up compounding the problem. While for others, because of the busy schedules of some home owners, it becomes quite difficult to find a plumber who can get it fixed, so they have to live with the discomfort until they are less busy.

At Handy Plumbing, we are experts in drain cleaning, having all the skills and modern machinery to quickly and effectively take care of your drains, it doesn't matter how complex your draining system maybe, or the kind of problem you may be having with your drains whether its:

An over flowing toilet: there is nothing more disgusting and embarrassing than having using a toilet, and after trying to flush, the water along with all the "other contents" in the toilet pours out on the floor. When there is a blocked toilet at home, in a hospital or anywhere else, call us immediately.

Clogged sinks and bathrooms: the usual culprits of a clogged sink includes fat, grease, food particles, all these end up forming a wall in the drain pipes, making it impossible for waste water to pass through. It’s the same with the bathroom; hair, soap scum, and dirt are usually the culprits.

A blocked pipe: tree roots are usually the cause of blocked water pipes, which reduces your water supply, or might even cut it off completely. When there is a blocked pipe at home, in an office or anywhere else, call us.

Drain maintenance and replacement: when your drain pipes becomes faulty, and in need of repairs, we'll take care of it. So if by any chance, you seem to be having problems with your drains, then contact us.